Kristo Sugiarno
1 min readFeb 12, 2024

What do you find when you seek deep into yourself?

Deep into the abyss, far into darkness, severed from the world, alone in solitude

The deeper you go, the more it beckons you, to plunge further into this bottomless well, seeking its center, what lies at the heart of this absolute black

But only nothing exist in nothingness, and you fail to clutch into anything — falling deeper and deeper into an infinite void, continually spinning on a neverending spiral. Aren’t we all just living hollows with an infinite abyss of emptiness inside all of us?

But No! That doesn't make any sense. Surely nothing comes out of nothing (ex nihilo nihil fit) and so as there is something (cogito, ergo sum) there must be something that IS. For when you look carefully, when you really look carefully, with open and unclouded eyes, innocent and humble you will surely find light. Light that is eternal, light that IS, from the beginning, now, and ever shall be.

"This is then the formula which describes the state of the self when despair is completely eradicated: in relating to itself and in wanting to be itself, the self is grounded transparently in the Power that established it."

-Soren Kierkegaard, Sickness Unto Death